Accuracy is key to credibility. And while we make every effort to ensure that our articles are factual and complete, we are also human beings who make honest mistakes sometimes.
We encourage readers and sources to contact us immediately to report factual errors, misstatements, or other information in an article that might be misleading. The managing editor will work with the reporter to determine if an error has been made.
We will correct errors in articles as quickly as possible and add notations as follows:
- Minor typos, grammar errors, or other clarifications that do not change the meaning of the text will be changed without a correction note.
- Errors of substance that do not change the fundamental understanding of the issues in the article will be corrected with a note at the bottom of the article.
- Errors that substantially affect the understanding of the issues in the article will be corrected with a note at the top.
Errors in email newsletters will be noted in the next edition and the newsletter archive will be corrected as soon as possible.